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石家庄起重-平山专业生产为您提供更优质的起重机,更专业的服务!我公司生产地址位于河北省石家庄市平山县,主营单、双梁起重机,桥式起重机,门式起重机,欧式起重机,电动葫芦及各种起重配件。公司多年致力于产业,切实推进与各大企业、厂家的合资、合作,用产业化发展的思路服务于社会和广大用户。Shijiazhuang Crane - Pingshan Professional Production provides you with higher quality cranes and more professional services! Our production address is located in Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Our main products are single and double beam cranes, Overhead crane, Gantry crane, European cranes, electric hoists and various lifting accessories. The company has been committed to the industry for many years, effectively promoting joint ventures and cooperation with major enterprises and manufacturers, and serving society and users with the idea of industrial development.